Toyota Repair: 2004 Toyota Corolla Ce, antenna mast, power antennas
QuestionAs I was backing out of our garage I didn't leave enough room for my antenna. My husband just installed a new metal garage door. So, the rigid antenna whipped against the top of my car and came out. It just has the wire sticking out of where the antenna was hooked into. Do you think water will get into my car from the top of the car? Thanks
AnswerTo answer your question to the best of my knowledge, No, water should not get into your car. Antennas were designed as outside equipment. They would knowingly get wet. Power antennas would go up and down as many times as the owner turned the radio on. Some water would get into the antenna mast where the water would be pulled down into the motor where a little drain hole (if you will) would allow condensation to drain and not fill up the antenna cavity. I believe the same design applies to your car. If my answer does not satisfy you, put a little household silicone in the hole. I would recommend replacing the antenna though.