Toyota Repair: Transmission fitting failure..., teflon tape, clock position

This Saturday I attempted to install an after market transmission cooler on my '98 4Runner SR5 3.4L 6 Cly.
With the kit came a new brass fitting to install after removing the original out coupling from the the bottom of the radiator. When I removed the fitting I noticed right away that the new brass fitting would not work ( the original has a stepped body with an "o" ring whereas the new fitting was the standard brass pipe type). When I installed the original fitting back into the radiator I did so the same way I took it off, starting the thread at the same clock position. When I tightened it so as to be in the same angle to accept the original hose that when I noticed I went too far. The soft threads to the radiator stripped. AS I turned back the fitting coolant started to leak. I removed the radiator and saw how the cooling tank for the transmission fluid is set up.
What I am needing to know is this a fixable problem or a new radiator? I am in southern Mexico where Toyota parts are extremely hard to locate. Most repair shops do not want to touch it. Any advice?


I would say this to be a fixable problem which you may have already done since this reply is late. Sorry, I have been out of town all week.  If the adapters are the same thread you can use them, just wrap it with teflon tape as opposed to using the o-ring fitting.  Also, most 90 degree o-ring fittings use a lock nut to position the 90.  Loosen the lock nut then adjust the 90 where you need it and re-tighten the lock nut while holding the 90 elbo still.

Good Luck!!