Toyota Repair: 1993 toyota truck, mass air sensor, air flow meter

my 1993 toyota truck v6, was running funny. I would be going down the street and it would stall out for no reason, i'd pull asside and it would start egain. The other day i haid trouble with it, it would'nt start it would just turn over, so i tryed to jump start it, it started right up. That same night it was idling in the driveway for about 5mins then it just stalled out and it would'nt start anymore. The fuel pump does not have any 12v power, but the fuel relay works. Could this be caused buy a faulty MASS AIR SENSOR???


The fuel pump should only have power during cranking and when the air flow meter is open. I would start by checking for engine codes. It sounds as if your distributor pick-up coil may be bad. You want to look for a code such as no NE signal during cranking.

To check codes, short E1 and TE1 together in the diagnostic connector under the hood. Turn the key on and count the number of check engine light flashes. Then let me know what you find and I'll look it up for you.

Good Luck!!!