Toyota Repair: car alarm system toyota camry 1993, toyota camry 1993, car alarm system
QuestionI recently run my battery down on my 1993 Toyota Camry. I tried to get a jump start but when I opened the door the alarm went off. I flipped the valet switch next to the floorboard, but now the light for the alarm is still on and is causing my battery to drain after sitting overnight. Is there a way to turn off the alarm light? Does the remote turn off the alarm or just unlock the doors? The valet switch no longer keeps the alarm from going off???Only disconnecting the battery shuts it off...Any suggestions?
The key must be in the on position when you flip the vallet switch for it too enter valet mode. The light does not draw enough power to drain the battery so it sounds like you have another problem. Also, if the battery is bad and loosing power at times this will set the alarm off. It monitors battery voltage.
I would try a new battery first then have a parasitic load test done to verify there is not another problem.
Good Luck!!