Toyota Repair: 87 Toyota Camry sedan, toyota camry, amp meter
Question4 cyl automatic.
Since getting the engine temperature sensor replaced along with some other non-electrical work, the battery [which is new] keeps discharging. Can't start the car; won't even turn over. Runs fine when it's charged [jump starting it works], but where to start to figure out what's wrong?
You may have gotten a bad battery right off the shelf. I have seen it before and would not be surprised. The best way to test for a battery drain is using a amp meter. You disconnect one battery terminal wire it too the meter while hooking the other end to the battery. A small drain of around 200milli amps or less is normal. Anything higher than that and you got a problem somewhere. Also, be sure to check the alternator output. It should stay at 14.0 volts with the engine running.