Toyota Repair: 1990 Toyota 4x4 wont start, toyota 4x4 pickup, rotor coil
QuestionHello, I recently bought a Toyota 4x4 pickup with the 2.4 22RE fuel injected engine. I test drove the truck and it ran fine so I bought it, drove it back to work and parked it. The next day I was going to take it home and I couldn't get it to start. It fired and idled very rough for about 10 seconds and would not start again. The tank was near empty when I bought it so I filled it up and then drove approximately 8-10 miles back to work. I replaced the cap, rotor, coil and plugs. Still nothing. Had it towed to a mechanic and he told me it was getting spark and fuel. The compression was also good. He couldn't figure out why it wouldn't start. He also told me he checked the timing by setting the engine at TDC and checking the rotor. He said it was pointing straight at the #1 tower on the cap. Any idea what this may be?
Thanks for any help. I'm completely stumped.
I have run into this with a Honda before and it could be similar. If the coolant temp sensor for the computer is bad it causes the injectors to dump too much fuel into the cylinder and flood the spark plugs out. A wet plug will not throw a spark. I would try unplugging the fuel pump and open the throttle wide open and crank the engine over. This allows fresh air to dry out the plugs. Next use a little spray of starting fluid in the intake and see if it will start on that. If it does, plug the fuel pump back in and try to start it around 1/2 throttle. It probably will start but run rich (black smoke). If it does you probably do have a bad coolant sensor.