Toyota Repair: 4 cyl [3SFE] camsprocket alignment, e mail address, haynes manual

Tim my E-Mail address is [email protected]. Thanks for your help. I would still like to have a copy of the TDC timing marks.  After my last question I put my timing belt back on using the notch at about 12 o'clock on the cam bearing face. While turning the engine to check the position of the belt I noticed I had compression in the cylinders. The engine fired immediately but was very hard to finally get started. It wouldn't start until I advanced the timing all the way. After running awhile  I set the timing according to the Haynes manual, it started fine while hot, but once it cooled off it wouldn't restart until I advanced the timing past specs. Any ideas where to start  on this problem? Regarding  my question on correct TDC marks, dot or notch,  The notch works for me. THANKS Bill


I will scan a copy of the T-belt diagram and email it too you.  As for the starting problem it still sounds as if the belt is off 1 tooth.  How does the engine run when you rev it up? Usually a slight lack of throttle response means your 1 tooth retarded and 1 tooth advanced it will idle funny.