Toyota Repair: 1989 Celica starting problem, light bulbs, dash lights
QuestionMy Celica does not starting somtimes,when it hot engine (I guess) it starts easy.I read some your advise about auxilliary starter relay wire.Can you show it to me by email .the lights on both rear side are not good when drive at night,I afraid to drive at night,no one can see me.The brake,signal, all lights are good,except the lights to turn on at night.Thank you so much.
AnswerCheck the fuses inside the passenger compartment, check the fuse marked"tail", if it's good check all the tail light bulbs, it's not uncommon for both of them to be burned out especially if the dash lights still work because the dash lights and the tail lights are on the same fuse. The starting is a different issue, it's not a relay if the engine turns over but doesn't start up, try doing a tune up that includes new spark plugs, plug wires and a distributor cap and rotor and an air filter.