Toyota Repair: 1999 Toyata 4-runner, starter problem, toyota 4 runner
QuestionI have a 1999 Toyota 4-runner and when I cranked it up, it cranked up and the starter stuck in the on position and you can hear it still turning. I turned it off and the started kept going. I had to disconnect the battery to stop it. Is this just a starter problem or is it some thing else?
AnswerIt's the solenoid. They're pretty much intigrated into the starter on any car from anybody passed about 1985.
You *could* rebuild the starter, but honestly I've never done it.. Just buy another starter & replace it. That's normally pretty easy.
Rebuild it if you want. I know people have, I'ev seen refferance 2 it being done online.
Might be able to find a guide, or something.