Toyota Repair: 90 4runner wont start, sensor wires, pulse signal
QuestionNeed one more piece of information and maybe I can put this puzzle together.I have the electrical book for my 90 4runner and it shows the white/red as the pulse signal wire for the left side injectors and solid white for the right(facing the vehicle from the front). With the computer unhooked and key on I can fire all six injectors by touching the white/red to ground and vise/versa with the white wire.My diagram does not show those wires coming together anywhere.They should not share the signal from one side to the other right?I am guessing that the two wires are touching somewhere before the computer.The original problem was too week of injector pulse to fire the suggested replace the distributor,and I did but it did not help (no big deal I have a 91 4runner that runs that I can swap parts with).Thanks for your help.
AnswerThe brn/red wire provides constant voltage to all the injectors, the wht/red and white wires go to the computer, the left and right banks are not connected between the injectors and the computer. When you are grounding any of the red/wht or wht wires the three injectors for either left or right will fire but not all of them, you can see that three injectors are connected to the computer one for left and one for right, if you are able to fire all injectors by grounding either the red/wht or the white wire there is a short somewhere between the two circuits. Thay wht/red wire also connects to the O2 sensor and the DTC connector, so the problem could be between the dtc connector and the O2 sensor, I have seen O2 sensor wires/connectors get corroded, using an ohm meter and disconnecting the affected components should give you the answer eventually