Toyota Repair: 2000 Tacoma idle/fuel questions, fuel pressure gauge, banjo style
QuestionI have a 2000 4x4 3.4 liter Tacoma which just recently started having stalling problems. The truck will stall or die at idle occasionally. The truck runs fine at all speeds, no missing or hesitation. I have checked camshafts marks at TDC to check timing and they are rite on. It seems to be a vacuum or fuel pressure problem. As long as I give gas it want die, but as soon as I stop giving gas it might die. Since it only does this when coasting, idling I also thought it might be alternator problems, but battery holds great charge and it starts every time as long as I am there to give it gas. Its been real hard to diagnose since it only performs this way half the time. I do not have a banjo style connection for my fuel pressure gauge or I would have checked that also. I am anal about maintenance and tune up items and filters should not be a major concern, but I guess it could be a fuel filter problem.
Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.
AnswerAny codes in the ecu.
Ive seen the engine temp sensor do that.
Also seen bad TP.
Also seen bad o2 sensor do it.
Can you get a scan tool on it? Thats how you would diagnose further.
Look at the scan data when it acts up, otherwise its a guess.