Toyota Repair: 1988 Toyota Camry 4cyl Wont Start, 1988 toyota camry, brake light switch
QuestionI have a 1988 Toyota Camry 4cyl that is having intermittent problems starting. Within the last week it's gotten to the point where the car will barely start at all.
The car has a manual transmission. When I put in the key and turn, I get nothing. The car doesn't crank at all, and it doesn't sound like the starter is engaging. I took the car to a friend who is a mechanic last week and we replaced the copper contacts inside of the starter. The car started fine every time for a few days, but a couple days ago it wouldn't start at all. I opened the hood, jiggled the connections to the starter, and tried starting the car in 1st gear instead of neutral and it started right up. The next time I went to start it, I got nothing again. I tried jiggling the connections and starting it in 1st again, but I'm still getting absolutely nothing. Any ideas of what I can check? Thanks!
Answermaybe the nuetral start switch?
It looks like a brake light switch on the clutch pedal.
When it doesnt start, hook a test light to the small wire on the starter. If the light lights, and no start, its the starter,if no light check for power thru the clutch start switch.