Toyota Repair: brake light, charging light, A/T oil temp light, oil temp, alternator

I have a '92 Lancruiser.All three lightscame on at once during idling after starting the car. I saw some similar problems listed on the blog. Is it the alternator or could it be a bad battery? I ask because The battery was flat & I had to get it "jumped" about a week earlier after leaving the lights on. It has taken a week for this problem to show up though. How far can I expect to drive if the alternator is bad? It's about 5 miles to the repair shop.
Thanks for your advice.

You need voltage to make voltage, so if the battery is NG it could mimmic a bad alternator.
The battery could be bad as a result of a bad alternator however.
That being said, check the battery first.
If it tests ok.then I would suspect a bad alternator by evidence of the light "trio" coming on.
If the car starts and you dont use the lights or AC, I would think 5 miles would be a safe trip.
