Toyota Repair: 1991 cressida, coolant leak, piston rings

my car burns a lot of coolant,I think that the headgasket is blown but car runs fine. is there a cheap quick(temporary) for this? Also my heat takes a long time to start,changed thermostat no diffrence.Comes on after abot 10 mins and cuts in and out.

Unfortunately, no there is not. And you can not drive with a coolant leak indeffinately. The coolant blows by the piston rings into the crankcase. Where it mixes with oil.

Oil & water don't mix. Where there's water, there's a lack of oil. The engine will experiance greatly accellerated wear with the coolant mixing. They eventually sieze up.

You'll just have to take the head off, clean the block off & send the head off to an engine builder / machineist & have the head milled flat if the head gasket is blown.