Toyota Repair: 2002 Camry Idle Low after Battery Disconnect, vacuum leaks, throttle plate
QuestionOn my 2002 Camry with 4-cyl engine I noticed some corrosion buildup on the battery terminals, so I bought a pair of the anti-corrosion pads, disconnected the battery and installed them. The next morning my car would not hold its idle well at all, and shut off on me several times. After driving for 30 minutes or so, it would stay running but now, even after 3-4 months, the idle still seems low. What can I do to restore the idle to its prior rpm?
AnswerHow fast is it idling on the tach when cold? When warm? What about park/neutral VS in gear for both?
I would check for vacuum leaks on the main air hose & clean the throttle plate & idle valve & EGR valve if equipped).
I doubt it's related to what you did.