Toyota Repair: 1992 toyota corrolla, toyota corrolla, vacuum leaks

How do we turn up the idle on our sons 1992 Toyota corolla.  When he is stopped the idle is really low almost to a stall and the oil light keeps flashing. the oil is fine,  when the idle is high (when we have our foot on the gas the oil light goes away.

You don't control the idle on EFI engines. Regardless of what you do, the computer will idle it to whatever it wants to idle it at - provided it has enough adjustment to do so.
By hand, clean the throttle plate, EGR valve, and Idle valves of carbon. Check for vacuum leaks. It's normally one, or the other.

What oil light comes on? The red light of death, or the amber light of you need to put oil in the engine? If it's the red light then he doesn't have any oil-pressure what-so-ever if that sensor & the wiring to it is working. The engine needs to be out-of-use immediately before it siezes from a lack of oil.