Question1994 Toyota Camry LE V6.
Brake Light Indicator on insturment panel is ON. Here are the symptoms that lead to this indicator turning on.
1. At first the indicator would come on intermittantly when starting the car. The light would go off when car was restarted. The actual brake lights functioned normally.
2. Few days later the symptoms increased... The rear window brake light would remain ON after releasing the brake pedal. Also, the front side running lights came on when braking.
3. Now all lights function properly, but the brake light indicator turns on as soon as I touch the brakes and stays on.
Thank you for your assistance.
Answerby "brake light indicator " do you mean the lamp failure lamp?
Is it orannge or red?
If its orange, try checking the brake lights for one thats out.
If no bulb is out, replace the third brake light bulb in the rear window.
If the rear light stayed on on its own, that may be a pinched wire in the left rear trunk hinge.
Repair as neccessary.