Toyota Repair: 2004 Toyota Highlander Rattles, rear cargo area, low profile tires

Hi there,
I bought my car new in early 2004.  It is the V6 with 30,000 miles.  No kids, no one rides in the back seat. It's never been in an accident...I take great care of it.  The past year it has started RATTLING like crazy! First the center console, then the dash, then the rear cargo area above both wheel wells and around far back windows and now the glove box rattles and sounds like there are loose marbles inside.  Happens when the vehicle is cold and first starts out in the morning, while driving about 25 mph. There is also now another passenger dash area noise and there is a rattle next to my ear on the drivers side!(have taken in to the dealer 6 times relating to rattles, and dash was padded and insulated)  My local dealer (after 5th visit suggested I take it to the next city dealer and have their shop foreman look at it).  Took it in and they padded the back...kind of helped but still creaks!   My car is now at the dealer again 1st they told me they couldn't find dash/glove box rattle...came and went on test drive with foreman...rattled like a champ!  Got the call now supposedly it's fixed.  Said they couldn't find rattle that is at ear level on drivers side, seat belt mech, window, door?  
Seriously the rattling is making me CRAZY...what can I do?  

The only thing you can do is to do what you have been doing, make the dealers fix it under warranty, I can't help much, they can hear the rattles and I can't, toyota had issued a service bulletin for a windshield ticking noise but that's all I have to go by, it sounds like there are several causes of rattle noises.
Does it have the factory wheels and tires? A lot of times aftermarket low profile tires and bigger wheels can cause a rougher ride and cause rattles which normally are not audible.