Toyota Repair: Trouble with an 02 Toyota Prius...Please Help!, toyota prius, emissions control
QuestionHello. My cousin has an '02 Pius with dummy lights lit up like the space shuttle. She's pregnant and drives about 40 miles (1 way) to work down a deserted country road. According to Auto Zone, the trouble code is P131, which, also according to Auto Zone, just happens to be the part # for brake rotors. Hmmm... Auto Zone says this trouble code means "Fuel/air metering", and "aux emissions control". I've never worked on a hybrid before, but am willing to do it if it will save her a few bucks. Any suggestions on where I should start? She said the car isn't acting funny at all and the lights disappear and reappear regularly... Thanks in advance for any help you may give!
AnswerI have checked the listings for trouble codes and the P131 code is nowhere listed, without a viable trouble code or codes I can't be of any help, something is definetely wrong or the warning lights would no come on, this is a very complicated system and I would recommend at this time that you pay the toyota dealer the diagnostic fee and get a printout of the diagnostic trouble codes and then you can let me know what they are and I may have some advice but again,I advise you that the Hybrid system is complicated and not designed for doityourself repairs and can be dangerous because of high voltages present in the system.