Toyota Repair: Starting problem - fuel pump, toyota manuals, 12volts


I have an '88 Camry LE, 2.0l 5 speed.  300k. The last little while I
have had intermitent starting problems.  Now it's dead.  Cranks
fine but will not start.  Fuel pump is not running.  (I have turned
the ignition to "On" and jumped  E1 and T at the check
connector.  The fuel pump does not run.  I have also attempted
to start and left key on, I cannot hear the pump running at the
tank or fuel bypass under the hood) I have also checked for 12v
at the fuel pump connector.  Checks 0 v.  When I feed 12 v at
this connector  the pump runs.  I have checked the EFI Fuse, the
EFI relay, and the Circuit Opening Relay, and they are all
functioning correctly.  When I checked for power at the Opening
Circuit Relay (Connection identified as "Fp" in the manual) I show
no power to relay.

The manual tells me to check for power at this point, but doesn't
tell me what to do if there is NO power at the terminal.

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated!


PS:  I have the Haynes and Toyota Manuals.

If the fuel pump can be activated and it runs and the relays are good then there must be a problem somewhere in the wire harness, I have no information available to me as far as wiring diagrams go so if you have a wiring diagram start tracing that FP connector back to where it is supposed to receive the 12volts.