Toyota Repair: what is a toyota 21R ? is it a 22 R crate motor from japanor what ?, crate motor, 22r
Questionwhat is a Toyota 21 R ? is it a 22 R crate motor from japan or what ? and would it be a good motor for my 1985 toy ? thanks thomas !!!!
Answer21R engines were never imported to the US, they were only used in Japan, the engine is slightly smaller in displacement than the 22R, if I remember correctly the block is the same externally but the cylinder head is different, the 21R used two carburetors, this did not meet emission control requirements in the US and that's why they were not allowed here, the manifolds were also different and did not match up to the cylinder heads of the 22R. There are still plenty of used and remanufactured 22R engines available from the japanese used parts places that specialize in toyota only parts.