Toyota Repair: 1989 4Runner Starter Problem, starter problem, negative replies

I have an intermittent starter problem.  The truck either starts without problem or doesn't turn over at all.  The lights come on and dim, but the starter makes no noise.  There is really no rhyme or reason to when it does not start.  I have read your post from 11/18/2004 and it appears similar.  I was wondering if you agree and if you could give more detail on the repair.  I have the vehicle currently at the repair shop and they have been unable to replicate the "non-start" for two days.  We also could not get on the same page about the repair you suggest in the prior post.  Any clarification would be appreciated.


I think what you may be referring to is the addition of an extra relay to the starter circuit, if that's the case let me know and I will give the instructions on how to do it, I have posted this solution quite a few times and never had any negative replies so it must work, I know it did on my 4 Runner which had a very intermittent starting problem no matter what was replaced, the solution was to finally install the relay, this fix is to be used only if all other means of solving the problem fail. You can refer to previous posts to see the photos etc. or you can contact me again, to expedite things please contact me directly at
[email protected]