QuestionMike, I need your help, again.
Same car: 83 Celica GT 22RE EFI
You very correctly suggested a compression check before. The head failed, zero psi. Long story short, I had the head rebuilt. I reassembled the engine. The thing still won't start.
I have good spark and timing. But, no fuel pressure. The pump isn't running. I unscrewed the pulsation dampener and the fuel return from the pressure reg and nothing, not een a drop, bone dry....I don't think it is the pump itself, 'coz its almost new. I jumpered the fuel pump test plug and still nothing. I also manually opened the AFM inlet valve with no change. The AFM ohm checks good.
Next, I plan on checking the signal to the pump, at the pump.
If the pump isn't getting power then what can you tell me about the "circuit opening relay"?
Please, start with where Toyota hides it on my 83 Celica. :)
Thanks , John
AnswerIts usually near the ECU under the dash. Usally a green box.
Pull the rear seat out and check for voltage at the pump connector.
There is a two wire connector near the air cleaner with a rubber cap thats a fuel pump jumper.You can jump the pump and bypass the C/O relay. You can use for test only as it puts 12v constant to the pump.
Im digging from the back of my brain here.
Its been a while and the web site doesnt go back to 83.