Toyota Repair: Problem starting Toyota 2000 Camry engine in the morning, air control valve, service bulletins

crank over and not start at all and tried again, OK. Always OK the 2nd try. Sometimes OK the 1st try but not start immediately.

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Question -
Recently I have above problem. The car has only 50,000 miles. Needs to start twice. It happens only in the mirning and the first time we start it. The oil change guy said Toyota car has such problem. Thanks.


Answer -
Does the engine start and die right away or does it crank over and not start at all until tried again?

I checked for available service bulletins from toyota and there are none listed.  The only thing that comes to mind is that they do have a stalling problem on start up/ the engine will try to start and immediately stall again and in extreme cases not start until a few tries, this is due to a problem with the Idle Air Control Valve(IAC) the solution is to either try to clean it or replace it, it's located on the throttle body.