Toyota Repair: Previa door lock malfunction, phillips screws, window switch
QuestionHow can I open my drivers door to examine and remove the door locking ass'y. It wont unlock manually or w/elec. door lock. It appears to be siezed or something?
AnswerThe most common cause is that the door lock actuator is seized, the only way I know of how to get the door open is to remove the door panel, this is not easy with the door closed but it can be done, remove the seat to get more room, remove all plastic panels surrounding the door panel, remove the window switch and the inner door handle, remove two phillips screws in the armrest, remove the clearance lamp, there may be another screw under there, once the panel is off roll the window all the way up to get to the lock after that try to find the lever that will release the lock, it's trial and error.