Toyota Repair: 96 camry RH Outer CV Boot replacement, cv boot, axle shaft
I am trying to replace passenger side Outer (hub side) CV Joint boot (ripped) on 96 Camry 4 cylinder. I am trying to determine best approach. Do I have to remove the whole axle? Can I remove just the outer axle at the hub and Tripod joint while rest of axle is still in vehicle? If so, what is procedure to remove Tripod joint from inboard joint shaft (factory repair manual doesn't explain this)?
AnswerThe entire axle shaft has to be removed, the outer joint can not be removed but the inner joint will come off and then the outer boot can be slid over the axle shaft on to the outer cv joint, it is customary to replace both the inner and outer boots at the same time. The axle can be removed from the transmission but this can be difficult, it requires a couple of prybars, prying on the inner cv joint where it enters the transmission usually will pop the axle out.