QuestionPlease allow a follow-up to my question regarding trouble starting my '95 Tacoma. I received a very curt reply that 'this was outside of your expertise.'
Please, at least comment on the repairs I have had made and whether you think I'm heading in the right direction. Do you agree it's most likely electrical? I read similar posts and you had helpful hints like "...try this or that..." and all I got is a "sorry, but I can't help you..." As I read your expertise bio (I will be able to answer almost all questions relating to the Toyota product line, if I don`t have the answer right away I will use the resources available to me to get an answer for you, it`s that simple.) I can't but help feeling like I'm getting blown off.
I apologize if I seem offensive, it's just that I am out of ideas how to handle this. Please, I need help with because the local shops seem stymied.
Thank you for your time.
My question was:
This Summer I have been experiencing a very frustrating problem. The truck starts fine in the morning but if I try to run an errand at lunch the truck intermittently experiences a long crank before it starts. Sometimes it just
cranks (strongly) but I stop so I don't damage the starter or battery. Since it's a manual trans I just push it to get it to start. I have learned to pick "strategic" parking spots in case I have to push it to start it. Push starting
has worked every time. The problem seems to appear after the engine gets hot, or during the heat of the day (we've had a heat wave recently in NJ), or if I am only in the store a few minutes and it hasn't cooled.
Recent repairs to try to correct this problem include: Shop A did a tune up (air filter, distributor cap, ignition rotor, ignition wire set, spark plugs) but referred me to Shop B after it persisted. At visit one to Shop B, they replaced the (NAPA) fuel filter with a Toyota filter and replaced the distributor rotor
with a Toyota rotor (this guys is a believer in original Toyota parts); at visit 2 to Shop B they replaced my upstream O2 sensor (check engine light just came on) during a day that the problem was unusually happening. Problem is still
AnswerI just have a couple of questions before I try to help with this, is it a V-6 or 4 cylinder and can you tell me what the trouble code in the computer was that made them replace the O2 sensor and is there a check engine light on now?
It seems strange that the engine can be started by push starting but not with the starter and it sounds like the starter is cranking the engine over normally, the only thing I can think of at this time is that the engine is somehow getting fuel into the intake while sitting and flooding it,let know if it's a 4or6 cylinder and I'll try to make some sense of what's happening.