Toyota Repair: Battery connected wrong, toyota corolla ve, toyota corolla

1998 Toyota Corolla VE. 173,000 miles. Auto.

Today I installed a new battery. I somehow switched the (+) and (-) for about 1-2 seconds, then disconnected. In about 15 minutes later, I installed the battery corectly.

1. What would happened after the poles connected wrong?

2. I found the radio does not work after that.

What is the problem and how to fix?

Thank you very much.  

Not a good scenario.
Does it run?

If your lucky you only blew a fuse or three.
Usually the 100 amp ALT blows.
You may have shorted out the radio.
Check the battery cables, sometimes they melt.
Check all accesories in the car and see what doesnt work, check the fuse for that.
