Toyota Repair: 5FSE 2.2 camshaft gears timing marks, head gasket, camshafts

I blew a head gasket decided to do the repair myself.I messed up one thing though.I didn't mark the marks on back of the camshaft gears and there is more then one.Theres 3 marks on each gear.Exhaust I can see from the picture in the book which one to use but not on the intake is there any way you could tell me what mark thanks.

The small marks are assembly marks and not the actual timing marks, the two large marks are the ones that have to be lined up with the number one piston at TDC, this engine also uses the silent gear design, one of the gears is a two piece gear and it is spring loaded, the reason the assembly marks are put there is so that the service bolt can be removed after installation and then the cams can be rotated to the large timing marks, if the service bolt was installed line up the assembly marks and put on a couple of the retaining caps, remove the bolt and rotate the camshafts until the two large marks line up.