Toyota Repair: Engine Replacement & Alarm Problems, engine immobilizer, toyota camry
QuestionI just got a 97 Toyota Camry LE 4cyl. that I replaced the engine in. Everything to our knowledge is placed correctly. Once the battery is plugged in the engine is turning over but the spark plugs aren't getting power. And when the battery is plugged in the alarm goes off. We don't have the keyless entry it was lost by the previous owner. We are wondering if the security system has the engine immobilizer in it that is keeping the car from starting? And if so what can we do to fix this?
AnswerIt's probably an aftermarket system as toyota did not have this feature from the factory in that year model. Since the remote is not available the system is pretty much worthless, short of removing the system and restoring it to original condition there are a couple of solutions, if there is an LED mounted below the dash look for a button on the rear of it and depress it while trying to start the engine, look for a small toggle switch on the kick panel and try to switch it, to keep the alarm from going off when connecting the battery try the following:
disconnect the neg side of the battery
open the left front door
turn the key to the ON position
reconnect the battery
do not close the door
turn the key to the start position to start the engine.
If that works it will be ok until the next time the battery is disconnected. If none of this works the alarm system needs to be disabled or completely removed.