Toyota Repair: 87 pickup timing chain - tensioner, toyota parts, timing chain

Hi Mike,  I just put in a rebuilt R22 engine in my 2wd 4 cylinder Toyota truck after 287,000 miles on the original. During installation, I had to redrill and tap some holes to make everything fit, and realized that I probably didn't really have the correct year and model engine afterall. But I didn't want to go through trying to ship it back to the company.

And now the timing chain is just a little too long. The tensioner and chain guides don't take out enough slack, and it's really loose. I got another chain that was smaller -- too small. So I took one link out of the long chain, and found out it is now just barely too short/ tight. We can't hardly get the tensioner and guides to fit on, and surely the plastic will get burned off too fast through friction, and be non-functional. Perhaps we never got the correct parts and engine.

My question: Is it okay to run the engine w/o the guides and tensioner in place -- just the timing chain?  

Then tensioner is oil driven, so if you leave it out, then youll lowering the oil pressure by leaving oil passage hole open.
Also as the cahin stretches over time, it will get loose, so NO you cant leave it out.

Try and find out what year the head, block and everything are, then you need to contact a Toyota Parts Dept.
They may know what chain to use or can tell you what to do.
It cant be the first time someone has run into this dilema.
