Toyota Repair: 88 Camry Starting Problem, unrelated systems, headlight assembly

Damn thing won't start.  I needed to replace the bumper and headlights.  Had the battery out when i did this.  Needed to cut the driver side headlight (3 wires) to reassemble the headlight assembly and soldered them back together properly.  Touched NOTHING else electrical.  Took the car for a drive immediately after and when i brought it back, 5 mins later, the radio died as i came up the driveway, the dashlights would not come on and when the engine was shut off, everything was gone.  I had brights if i flashed them but no headlights, hazzards but no signal lights and the horn would still work.  If i turned the key, it would click but thats it.  I checked all the fuses and everything seems okay but i'm kind of at the extent of my knowledge.  We just bought this car used and it drove just fine from where we bought it 100kms away from where it now resides.  All connections seem to be fine.  I can find no logical reason why i would have SOME power to seemingly unrelated systems, and none to the rest.  I hope you can help me...

Check the starter wires.They are below the battery.
If you hear one loud click, the starter isnt getting enough juice to turn the engine over. If all power and ground are good to the starter,the starter may be NG.
Also check the ground wire on top of the trans and the ground wire from battery to fender.
