Toyota Repair: 1990 toyota 4-runner turns over wont fire up, injector pulse, inexpensive test

1990 4-runner v6 have replaced cap and rotor, rotor spins, have spark from coil, but won't fire up just cranks.  When cranking strong gas smell like floded, please help me with some things it could be and how to check.  thank you

Since there is a strong smell of fuel it may be that the injectors are staying open for some reason, you can check the injector pulse voltage with a small inexpensive test light available at most autoparts store, disconnect the injector electrical connector and plug the test light in, when cranking the engine the light should flash, if this happens it means that the computer is ok and sending the open/close signal to the injectors.
If the light stays on it means that the injectors are staying open and flooding the engine in that case there could be a problem with the computer or the computer ground circuit.