Toyota Repair: how to change transmission fluid 1994 toyota 4runner, auto transmission fluid, toyota 4runner

I don't have a 4runner manual.
Can you tell me how to change the auto.transmission fluid on a 1994 Toyota 4Runner 4x2?
I looked for schmatics online: no help.

There is a drain plug on the bottom of the transmission, you will need a 14mm socket or wrench to remove it, drain all the fluid into a suitable container and reinstall the plug, be careful not to lose the small sealing ring.
Remove the dipstick for the trans, it's the orange one, use a funnel on the dipstick opening to pour about 2.5 quarts slowly in, start the engine and check the fluid, notice there are "cold and hot" marks, it's best to check the fluid at hot with the engine warmed up with the engine at idle and in neutral, add fluid until it is at the hot mark.