QuestionIs there an inexpensive way that I can check the code behind the check engine light on a 1995 Toyota Tercel?
Autozone was willing, but they said they can only check 1996 and later. The Autozone rep told me that there is a way he has used be sticking a paperclip into an "electrical box" (which he showed me) under the hood.
Any direction would be helpful as I'm concerned about the light, but don't want to pay $75 to a professional to get the code(s).
Derek Hayes
AnswerOn the diagnostic connector under the hood which the autozone guy showed you connect a small jumper wire from the terminals TE1and E1, this will make the check engine light flash giving you the trouble code.
There may be more than one code so be careful reading the number of flashes, it can be confusing.
The codes will be a combination of two numbers, for instance a 71 would be seven blinks, a short pause and then one blink, there is a longer pause between each code, it will either repeat or add more codes if there are more.