Toyota Repair: Starting problems, toyota tundra, starter problems
QuestionI have a 2000 Toyota Tundra. When you turn the key sometimes it starts right up and other times you have to keep turning the key before it will start. What is the problemcould it be the starter and if so where is it? There is no clicking noise at all when you turn the key, matter of fact no sound at all, if you keep turning the key it will finally catch at some point and crank. This may happen one day and the next day it will crank the first time. It is a V-8 automatic transmission.
AnswerStarter problems are becoming more and more prevalent on the V-8 engines on both Tundras and Landcruisers on the earlier models, the starter is located under the intake manifold towards the rear, not easy to replace, the intake manifold has to be removed to get to it.