Toyota Repair: 1992 Toyota 4runner Ignition Switch, toyota 4runner, toyota dealership
I tried to start my 1992 Toyota 4Runner, put the key in but it wouldn't turn. At first I thought that the steering wheel was locked (it happened before and after some effort it unlocked) but my husband couldn't unlock the wheel either. We called Toyota dealership and they said that probably ignition switch needed to be replaced. My husband wants to do it himself. Could you please explain in detail how to do it?
Thank you so much!!
Answeryou need to remove the lower dash panel. The key needs to be in ACC position. Then push a small pic into the small hole in the side of the lock assembly housing. Then pull on the key. It should pull out. Needs to be in Acc on installation too.
If key wont turn, you need to drill it out. be careful not to damage the housing.