Toyota Repair: 2007 Camry Transmission, snap ring, 2007 camry

I own a new 2007 Toyota LE V6.  Toyota announced last week that a transmission snap-ring could fail in the first 500 miles and effect both 2nd and 6th gears.  This is not a recall.  Owners have to watch for a failure and contact Toyota if it happens.  I am now watching my car.  Why does one snap-ring affect these two specific gears and not others.  Most failures poste on another website occur at around 20-30mph.  But could the failure occur at much higer speeds (such as passing).

There still trying to find the range of cars effected. A SSC or recall may still surface.Time will tell.

the snap ring hold something commom to those two gears.
People may embelish and opinionate recall issues. Dont get caught in a game of "telephone".
Go to the dealer and askk them to check the vehicle for you.
