Toyota Repair: Cruise control drops off without warning, ted ritter, toyota sr5

Last week we asked Ted Ritter the following question:

We have a 1993 Toyota SR5 4X4, 5 speed V6 pickup. While using cruise control, during freeway driving, it suddenly drops and the dash "cruise" light blinks 5 times. It will not allow a cruise reset until the motor has been turned off. This happens randomly, just as if the brake has been touched. We would so appreciate any suggestions you can provide. Our mechanics have provided no help or ideas on the problem.
Ted Ritter responded:
This indicates that the cruise control is turned off by either a malfunctioning actuator, speed sensor or cruise control switch circuit, check to make sure that the brake fluid in the reservoir is up to the max mark, check the brake lights, if a brake light is out the CC will not work, if that doesn't solve the problem let me know because you will have to retreive the diagnostic trouble code form the CC computer, this is a little involved and the best way to do this is for me to send some information but I will need an email address.
We have checked the brake lights, the brake fluid level and could find no problems.  Would you be able to help us retrieve the trouble code from the CC computer, as Ted mentions above?
Thanks so much

Josh Drew
[email protected]

Ive seen a few things do that.
Bad break light switch.
Also a bad e-17 splice in the wire harness..
it joins about 5 brown wires together. Its located in the engine harness , goes behind the top of the timing cover from side to side. The splice is nearest to the PS pump side in the harness.
Peal open the harness and drownd the splice in solder.

How did you make out?
Did you get the trouble code ?
Did you ask Ted about the E-17 splice. Let me know how you made out.
Hope your "cruisin!"
