Toyota Repair: !998 toyota tacoma check engine light, obdii scanner, obd ii
Questionis there a way to find out what the code is without diagnostic equipment? i heard if you bridge somthing in the port the turn the key on the light will flash the code. but maybe thats bs?
AnswerNot totally BS. Your vehicle is OBD II You need an OBDII scanner to pull a code.
Pre-1997 Vehicles can jump terminal T and E1 in the DLC connecter under the hood. I suppose thats what someone was refuring to. You however will need a OBD II tester. Not nec. to go to a dealer, any local shop can scan it for a code.
Let me know what code you get. If you pay for a diagnosis, insist on a print out of the code AND the freeze frame Data that was saved when the code was set. Its vital for further diagnosis.