Toyota Repair: 1994 corolla A/C, Radio, side kick panel, fuse box
QuestionWhile jumping my car battery I hooked up the cables to the wrong posts and tried to start, now my radio and A/C aren't working. I looked at the radio fuse in the driver side kick panel and it is good. Any suggestions
AnswerThere are probably some other things that are not working either, so need to look a little deeper, normally when the battery is connected backwards the alternator fuse will blow, check in the black fuse box under the hood the alternator and heater fuses are bigger than normal fuses and will be 100amp alternator and 40amp for the heater, the heater fuse is located in the right kick panel.
Also check the 7.5A alternator fuse and the EFI fuse located under the hood on the left side.