Toyota Repair: Transmission leak, loose bolt, transmission leak

I have a '92 4-runner with about 250,000 miles. I recently had the engine heads done and some other engine work. Until about 1 year ago I had had no problems with my transmission. I took it in for a routine check-up, fluid, filter, etc and it was fine. A month later I noticed a leak and took it back where they promptly told me I needed a tranny rebuild because that was the only way the leak would go away. The guys who did the engine work, which I trust, said basically the same thing that the tranny probably needed rebuilding. It leaks alittle when in drive but much more when in reverse. I know a rebuild is very costly and I will get it done within a year. Is there anything I can do to slow done the leak until I get it repaired? I just put out alot of money on the engine and want to make this my project car to keep for a long time but can't afford the tranny work right now. Also, what should a rebuild vs a used tranny cost me? I keep thinking there might be just a loose bolt somewhere and needs to be tightened up because I never had a leak until they messed with it the first time . Thanks Mike

I'm not going to be of much help because I have no idea where the leak is, is it leaking at the front, the rear the middle of the transmission?
Normally a transmission leak, if the transmission is otherwise acting normally, does not require rebuilding but at this mileage it may be the case.
From past experience it sounds like the torque converter seal is leaking so check for that, if it is there will be red fluid coming out of the bell housing on the bottom, good luck with this.