Toyota Repair: 1987 Toyota Van 4x4 wont start, toyota van, altenator
We just purchased a 1987 Toyota Van 4x4 5spd. with 185,000 miles, and it ran great...for the first few days. It then overheated while driving around town. My husband replaced the thermostat, and what a pain that is with the engine underneath the seat! When trying to start it after that, it has all the dash lights, clicks, and then it loses all power (lights) and is dead. He checked the fuses, fusible links, and had the battery tested. We really don't think that it's the altenator, but would the starter go out that fast? What are we missing?
Thank you!
AnswerI don't think the starter is the problem, you wouldn't lose all the power, this is an indication of a loose connection at one of the battery terminals, check to make sure they are clean and tight and check the ground cable from the battery to the body or engine block.