Toyota Repair: 1998 Toyota Corolla- check engine light, smog inspection, muffler shop

The check engine light on my 98 Corolla has been on for a couple of months. I had a code scan done, and it said the catalytic converter is below optimum efficiency. Is this something that could cause my car to fail inspection? How much could I expect to pay for this repair, and is it safe for me to be driving the car right now?


Check with the toyota dealer because catalityc converters are covered under the federal emission control warranty for 8yrs/80,000 miles, it depends on the date of first use and the mileage, if it's still less than 80,000 miles contact the dealer as soon as possible.
If it's out of warranty I would recommend having a muffler shop install an aftermarket converter which will save you a lot of money, and yes with the check engine light on it will not pass smog inspection and can cause driveability problems.