Toyota Repair: Problem With 2000 Tacoma, toyota tacoma prerunner, 2000 toyota tacoma prerunner
QuestionHello,First off my vehicle information 2000 Toyota Tacoma Prerunner 60k miles,auto transmission. My problem started two days ago, I was coming to a stop when I heard a noise that sounded like something may have fallen of the engine, as it sounded like something landing on the concrete(I have inspected the engine all around and can see no signs of anything broken or having fallen off). As I went to take of from the stop I noticed an extreme loss of power and a loud noise(not like a squeel, kinda like a loud exhaust) coming from the bottom,Pasenger side of the vehicle whenever the RPM range got toward the end of the gear (The noise will also happen in park just revving the engine to the upper RPM range).It also idles very rough Like its about to die but doesn't. Soon after the check engine light came on, I took it to AutoZone and they used the scanning tool, I found out that Multiple Random misfire had occured and there was also codes for Cylinder #'s 6,5,2,and 3 had misfired. Upon arriving home I Changed the fuel filter as I was told this could be a cause, I also cleaned the EGR as I had trouble before with dirt burning onto the sensors, no luck with either of them, air filter was fine as well. I was also told that it may need a tune up or new coil packs but don't believe this to be the case because of the noise it now makes. Any ideas as to what it could possibly be would be greatly appreciated as I do not have the funds to take it to a shop. I hope I have provided any information you may need. Thanks in advance. =)
Best Regards,
Shawn Barney
AnswerPossibly something fell off the exhaust causing the extra noise so inspect the exhaust sytem very carefully or a catalityc converter problem but that should show additional codes, were the misfire codes the only codes?
It could be a failed ignition coil pack, I noticed that the only cylinders that were not misfiring were #1+4, these fire together from the #1 coil, 3+6 and 2+5 are also paired together and the #3+5 coil packs may be the problem.
Remove the spark plugs and check them, they may need to be replaced.