Toyota Repair: 95 4runner engine lite comes on occacionally., engine misfire, leak test
QuestionOver the past month or so, my check engine lite comes one once in a while. No specific pattern. Usually comes on while driving and stays on for several minutes to tens of minuts or until i start the car again. It has only happened a few times. It runs fine but I took it to the dealer and he pulled codes 14, 25, 26 and recommended the "heads be removed for inspection". They suspect a leak of possible coolant in the exhaust system. They want to charge >$2000. Any rec's would be greatly appreciated.
AnswerThat is a possibility but I would tell them to do a combustion leak test before removing the cylinder heads and a compression test unless they have done this already.
Doing both of those tests will reveal whether there is a major problem with the engine, the codes 25/26 are normally caused by an engine misfire.