Toyota Repair: E-Brake light comes on when i turn left, toyota dealership, toyota dealer

I have a problem with my E-brake light coming on when I turn left. It started when I tried to drift my 2000 4dr Camry LE turning left on a street. I lost control and hit the curb popping my right tires. Ever since the incident, my E-brake light comes on when I turn left. I know my alignment has been shifted since then and I am curious to know if you might think anything else might have been shifted since the incident(axle rod bent?, bearings bent?,etc). The car seems to drive ok with the exception of the alignment being shifted and the brakes still work. The stability of the car when driving seems a bit weaker than before since the incident. I haven't had a chance to take it in to a toyota dealership to look at it so if you could help, I'd appreciate it.  

The light on the dash could be coming on because of low brake fluid so make sure the fluid level in the master cylinder is to the max mark. If it is ok then I would recommend having the toyota dealer inspect this because it could be a safety concern.