Toyota Repair: Heat/AC Control Panel, phillips screws, control cables
QuestionDear Sir:
I have recently bought my first car. Now, the heater fan control knob on my 2000 Camry (111000 miles) has stopped working. I can no longer change which vents the heat comes out. Right now it is stuck on defroster. The knob still turns, but no change occurs in where the air is blown. What could be the problem, and how can i fix this? If I have to remove the dash, can you provide me with a way to do this. Thanks
AnswerThere are two possible problem areas, the control cable may have become disconnected at the heater duct, remove the glove compartment and locate the control cable to see if it is connected, the cable may have become disconnected at the control switch in the dash, this normally happens because the part that connects the cable can break and in that case the vent control panel has to be replaced.
So if the cable on the heater end doesn't move when turning the knob the problem is with the vent control in the dash. It can be removed by itself by removing the knobs and the cover, look for some phillips screws under the cover, all the other control cables will have to be disconnected on the left side under the dash as well, the are connected to levers to control the heater valve and blend doors.