Toyota Repair: 91 Toyota Stalls, toyota celica gt, vacuum hoses

I have a 91 Toyota Celica GT with 170,000 miles on it and when I drive it, it runs fine until I have to stop at a light or intersection, when I stop the RPM's bog down and it will stall on me. Sometimes the RPM's just bog down but it dont stall. And sometimes it dont bog down at all (usually if I dont go fast and I slow down way ahead of where the stop is). When it's about to stall, sometimes, I can stop it from stalling by kicking it into nuteral and giving it some gas. I noticed Ive been having this problem more and more as its been getting colder outside.

There are a couple of things that can cause this to happen, the most common is that there is an intake air leak, normally this happens to the intake air hose from the air filter to the throttle body so make sure it has no cracks and is airtight, look for any other vacuum hoses that may have become disconnected or broken.
It could also be an EGR system malfunction, the EGR valve may be sticking on at idle, since it is only supposed to be on at cruise condition if it stays on at idle it will make the engine stumble and stall. Could also be an airflow meter problem but it is not common.