Toyota Repair: Toyota T100 problem, cam shaft position sensor, toyota t100
QuestionI have a 97 Toyota T100 SR5 4WD A/T with ~147K. When accelerating anywhere ~3300 RPM, the engine bucks, hesitates and will not accelerate to speed. The engine runs fine and idles fine at low RPMs. I have had it to two separate repair shops. The first ran diagnostics indicating the cam shaft position sensor was bad. It was replaced and condition was unchanged. The second repair shop has had the truck for two weeks. The technician says he has swapped everything electronically that could contribute to the symptom. Timing was checked to see if belt may have jumped a tooth. It was fine. Main computer was swapped. No change. Fuel pressure has been checked also. It was okay. Several other sensors were swapped, again no change. Coil was swapped, no change. Nothing has changed the symptom. Do you have any ideas for me to pursue that may not have been tried? Thanks
AnswerWas there ever a check engine light on because if any of the input sensors had a malfunction the check engine light will come on.
If there was never a check engine light(which I find hard to believe) the problem may be with the wiring since the computer has already been replaced with no improvement,there could be a bad computer ground connection, check the ground bus connector on the intake plenum chamber on the left side(left bank of the engine)this ground connection provides a ground path for the injectors and if it is not tight can cause this problem, there also ECU ground points inside the left and right kick panels check those as well, has the timing belt been replaced recently?